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int pascal DispatchMessage(LPMSG lpMsg)

  This function will determine which window will receive the message
contained in the passed MSG structure. If the hWnd field is NULLHWND,
the determination will be made as follows :

  - if the message is WM_CHAR or WM_HELP, the window with the input
focus will get the message.
  - if the message is a mouse message, we will send the message to the
window who has set the capture (by calling the function
SetCapture()). If no window has captured the mouse, then the message
will be sent to whatever window contained the mouse cursor. If the
mouse message was a button-down message (WM_LBUTTONDOWN or
WM_RBUTTONDOWN), then DispatchMessage() will first send the
WM_NCHITTEST message to that window. If the winproc responds with
HTCLIENT, then the focus will be set to that window. If the winproc
respond with HTNOWHERE, the focus will not be set to that window.

  lpMsg is a pointer to a MSG structure.

  TRUE if the message was dispatched, FALSE if not.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson